Cloth "Herbsttanz"

Cloth "Herbsttanz"

The scarf is an absolute must-have and fashion statement. It consists of many different patterns that you can rearrange or expand yourself if necessary.

A wonderful companion for the cooler days.

The product information

The knitting instructions consist of a total of 26 pages and include a written part and several charts.


1x 3-fädigen Bobbel mit 1.250m LL

1x 3-thread bobble we 625m LL

Needles and accessoriesCrochet hook: 4.5mm

Wool sewing needle, stitch marker if required, possibly row counter


that. 100x200cm

The cloth can easily be enlarged

Required knowledge

magic thread ring, chain stitches, double crochets, front and back relief crochets

Difficulty level

4 out of 5 stars

available language


Price: 6,50€

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